
Welcome to my Blog!!!!

Picture of me wearing a leopard print dress sitting on the window

My name is Jessica Jenkins and I was born July 29th, 1996 in Yonkers, NY. I’m autistic, but autism isn’t the only facet of my life. I’m multifaceted! I’m also a designer and artist, author & writer, blogger, and a wife and mother of two beautiful children who are also autistic. I have my own business that revolves around my special interests and talents. My hands are full all the time but I really wanted to invite you all into my world. I want to share with you how I see the world through my autistic eyes.


Instagram: @flappyhandscreations

Facebook: Flappy Hands Creations

Tiktok: @autistic.beauty96

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10 thoughts on “Home

  1. Hello , I think you are so talented and a great mom. I have 3 autistic family members , all different on the spectrum. Each one is so unique, and I hope when they are old enough they to will have great things happen to them , like you. You inspire people keep it up.


  2. My son has autism,& I always have a hard time shopping for him. I thin you just filled out his Christmas and birthday list! 😁 so happy that I found you! I look forward to reading your blog!


  3. When I got my autism diagnosis I was terrified and didn’t know what to do, I found your tiktok and you’ve helped me feel normal, and better about it, I’ve been shamed for my diagnosis and I feel no shame bc you’ve been a guiding light to me and I can’t thank you enough, one day I hope to be able to hug you and thank you in person bc it means more than the world to me


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